Do you know someone who survived a stroke or brain injury, has a progressive disease like Parkinson's or ALS, or struggles with a voice disorder? Do you struggle with memory, voice, communicating or swallowing? Does your child struggle to. communicate or talk differently than other children their age? Contact us today to set up an evaluation or send us a message. We offer a multitude of services at Eugene Speech Therapy with therapists dedicated to their specialties, from pediatrics to geriatrics. We can see you online or in-person and have strict infection control precautions in place. Call us for more information.
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Thank you so much! I am so glad he (reluctantly) came. After he even said, ‘I should have done this a year ago’. Also, we went to Hop Valley after, and he ordered his own beer, normally I speak for him! What a joy for me!!! (SPEAK OUT!) - client’s wife
• Therapy covers speech, voice, language, cognition, and swallowing
• Our speech-language pathologists are specialized in treatment areas, to provide expert care for aphasia, dysphagia, voice, cognition, and articulation
• The only private therapy company in the area to specialize in the adult
• Little-no wait to initiate therapy
• Flexibility to see you in the office or your home
• Dedicated to making Eugene Speech Therapy the trusted center for Eugene
and Springfield community members with communication and swallowing
disorders by offering valuable, client-centered care
• Nationally certified, Oregon licensed, and a certified provider for VitalStim
therapy, a technology in treating swallowing disorders and facial weakness,
and for SPEAK OUT! and LOUD Crowd, a comprehensive therapy program for
Parkinson's Disease
• In-network with many insurance plans, but also offer private pay options.
Our Affiliate Practice
In September 2022, Eugene Speech Therapy transitioned to new ownership and partnered with another practice, BreatheWorks.
BreatheWorks has locations in Eugene, Portland, Lake Oswego and Camas, WA and specializes in Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy. The BreatheWorks team are experts in addressing problems related to feeding and swallowing, sleep-disordered breathing, gut regulation, impeded airway, TMJ dysfunction, craniofacial pain and tension, oral hygiene, relapsed orthodontia, focus/attention, anxiety, chronic congestion, voice, and speech.
BreatheWorks provides a variety of services to patients across the lifespan. EST and BreatheWorks work closely together and refer patients to one another as appropriate.
To learn more, visit breatheworks.com.
Insurance Coverage
Participating With:
Trillium Medicaid
Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield
United Health Care
TriWest Care
and more! check with us about your health insurance
Health Net
OHP, Care Oregon (excluding Kaiser, OHSU and Providence)
Pacificsource Community Solutions